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Highest Honours

Honorary Fellowship

Highest Honours

Honorary Fellowship

Honorary Fellowship recognises exceptional achievement, service or contribution to the resources sector. Honorary Fellowship was first conferred in 1962.

This grade of membership may be conferred on any senior and influential professional who has performed notable, active and sustained service to the Institute or made a major contribution to the resources sector.

2023 Honorary Fellowship Recipient

Steve Hancock made an exceptional contribution to the resources sector throughout his career. In particular, he was a driving force for the establishment of AusIMM’s Social Licence to Operate (later Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)) Committee, which led the development of the first-ever Social Responsibility (SR) Framework and Statement by a professional institute in the minerals sector. Without Steve’s drive and enthusiasm, this would never have happened.

The minerals community at large was saddened to learn of the passing of Stephen Hancock in his hometown of Melbourne in early 2022. AusIMM is privileged to recognise his significant legacy through Honorary Fellowship.

A detailed account of Steve’s life and career can be found in his obituary published by the AusIMM Bulletin.

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2023 Honorary Fellowship Recipient

John Murray has 40 years’ experience in resources and executive search, and has an international reputation for adding value to companies, projects, and individuals through his expert advice.

He continues to encourage the mining industry to enhance perceptions of the sector, thereby helping to inspire people from diverse backgrounds to join the industry.

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Related awards

Awards recognise outstanding leadership or service to the minerals sector or Institute

Institute Medal

The Institute Medal is the most prestigious award and highest honour conferred by
the AusIMM. It is awarded in recognition of eminent leadership of the Institute and/or
the resources sector. It was first awarded in 1935.

President's Award

The President’s Award recognises notable achievement within the Institute
and/or the resources sector in a specific sphere of activity. It was first awarded in

Honorary Fellowship

Honorary Fellowship recognises exceptional achievement, service or contribution
to the resources sector. Honorary Fellowship was first conferred in 1962.

Beryl Jacka Award

This award is named in honour of Beryl Jacka, a stalwart of the Institute for 40 years
and AusIMM Secretary 1945-1976. The award recognises extraordinary and
sustained service to the AusIMM. It was first awarded in 1993.

2024 Awards expression of interest

Know someone who deserves an Award? Let us know and we'll get in touch when nominations open.

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