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North Qld Branch Sir George Fisher Lecture 2023 event recap

ยท 160 words, 1 min read

The AusIMM North Queensland Branch held their annual Sir George Fisher Lecture on Friday, 25 August 2023. With an impressive turn out of attendees, the event was presented by historian, academic and National Living Treasure, Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC.

The Sir George Fisher Lecture series was initiated by the AusIMM North Queensland Branch in 1977 and endowed with a grant by MIM Holdings Limited. The Lecture, held annually, is in recognition of the contribution made by Sir George Fisher to the development of North Queensland in general and Townsville in particular.

Sir George Fisher spent 50 years in the Australian mining industry and was Chairman of Mount Isa Mines (MIM) Limited during the company’s major expansion of copper and silver-lead-zinc production in the 1950s and 1960s. He is also closely identified with the development of Mount Isa from a small town to a major inland city.

Photos from the event can be viewed here (leaves AusIMM site, lands on Budd Photography), as well as highlighted photos below.

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