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Society of Minnig Professors Conference 2024

Organising committee

Society of Minnig Professors Conference 2024

Organising committee

Committee members

We'd like to introduce the Organising Committee for the 2024 Society of Mining Professors Conference and thank them for their time, effort and dedication to develop and deliver an outstanding conference program in 2024.

Professor Serkan Saydam

Conference Chair
University of New South Wales

Dr Chengguo Zhang

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Associate Professor Simit Raval

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Associate Professor Seher Ata

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Dr Sela Akdag

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Dr Guangyao Si

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Associate Professor Joung Oh

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Emeritus Professor Bruce Hebblewhite

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Dr Yu Jing

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Associate Professor Binhgao Li

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Dr Ghislain Bournival

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Bindya Subba

Committee member
University of New South Wales

Professor Ismet Canbulat

Committee member
University of New South Wales

International Organising Committee Members

  • Prof Vladislav Kecojevic | West Virginia University, USA
  • Prof Oliver Langefeld | Technische Univ. Clausthal, Germany  
  • Prof Elisabeth Clausen | RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • Prof Ismet Canbulat | UNSW, Australia
  • Prof Bruce Hebblewhite | UNSW, Australia
  • A/Prof Jorge Soto | National University of San Marcos, Peru
  • A/Prof Harmony Muusiyarira | Namibia University of Science & Technology, Namibia
  • A/Prof Liu Li | Chongqing University, China; Assoc. Prof. Nga Nguyen, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
  • Prof Zach Agioutantis | University of Kentucky, USA
  • Prof Jurgen Kretschmann | Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
  • A/Prof Marilena Cardu | Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Prof. Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
  • Prof Ronny Webber-Youngman | University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Prof Michael Karmis | Virginia Tech, USA
  • A/Prof Nga Nguyen | Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam

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