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Monograph 21 - History of Coal Mining in Australia


Monograph 21 - History of Coal Mining in Australia

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This volume records in words and photographs the history and development ofthe coal industry which has expanded from the source of our first mining tobeing the major export earners for the country. The pictorial record not onlycovers the black coal producing States but also covers brown coal in Victoria.The authors have collated a photographic history of old and new mining methodsand equipment together with examples of developing research and heritagesubjects. With over 250 pages and over 400 photographs and diagrams covering thehistory of the coal industry in each State this history will be of interest tomany.Note: The hard copy edition is now out of print. The PDF isa searchablescan of the original publication.
  • Monograph 21 - History of Coal Mining in Australia PDF
    Sale Price $61.60
    Normal price $88.00
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  • Published: 1992
  • Unique ID: PA-Mono21

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