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Spectrum Series

History of Flotation

Spectrum Series

History of Flotation

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Authors: Alban Lynch, Greg Harbort and Mike Nelson Flotation was the process that transformed the non-ferrous mining industry and the industries and economies of the world. It was an improbable process; nobody could have imagined 100 years ago that floating high specific gravity particles on water would be the basis of one of the world's great technologies. This book tells the story of the early days of flotation and is as much about the engineers, managers and financiers who supported the experiments and built the plants as it is about the technology that was developed. Flotation practitioners will enjoy reading about the history of flotation machines, the ingenuity applied and the competitive tension between the manufacturers.
  • History of Flotation HC
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  • History of Flotation PDF
    Sale Price $84.70
    Normal price $121.00
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  • Published: 2009
  • Pages: 348 pp.
  • PDF Size: 9.459 Mb.
  • Unique ID: PA-Spec18

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