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Spectrum Series

The Cadia Valley Mines

Spectrum Series

The Cadia Valley Mines

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This 252-page volume, written by Ed Malone, is a well researched and comprehensive account of the exploration, development, construction and operation of the mines managed by Newcrest in the Cadia Valley near Orange in New South Wales. This book has been written to provide an objective but informed record of the entire process, since exploration first identified the major Cadia Hill copper and gold orebody in 1992 (and precursor activities before this), through to the present day. The book contains significant technical detail regarding the geology, development activities, mining and processing operations, and the social and community interaction associated with the overall Cadia Valley operations. This book will also appeal to a more general audience, informing the wider community and other sectors about the magnitude, complexity and dynamics of a large-scale modern mining operation as well as the many diverse challenges faced over time.
  • The Cadia Valley Mines HC
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  • The Cadia Valley Mines PDF
    Sale Price $46.20
    Normal price $66.00
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  • Published: 2010
  • Pages: 260 pp.
  • PDF Size: 14.132 Mb.
  • Unique ID: PA-Spec19

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