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Conference Proceedings

Preconcentration Digital Conference 2020 (P)

Conference Proceedings

Preconcentration Digital Conference 2020 (P)

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Assessing the value of bulk ore sorting with drill core data

Bulk Ore Sorting (BOS) has the potential to add significant value to mining operations by manipulating the feed grade and throughput to the processing plant. However, assessing the performance of BOS is complex, as it is influenced by geology, equipment, spatial and time domains. This increases the risk (real and perceived) of the technology. To manage risk, brownfield operations have the option to: (a) first test the variability in feed grade using a detector on the feed conveyor and subsequently construct the diverter and associated materials handling equipment when the value is established; or (b) conduct site trials with standalone sorting plants.
The approaches described for brownfield projects are not available for greenfield projects where the in-situ heterogeneity needs to be quantified and translated into an economic evaluation to test the viability of BOS. Ausenco has developed a methodology that allows assessing the in-situ ore heterogeneity and uses an in-house technoeconomic model to determine the value of BOS for greenfield projects and assess the effects of sorting performance on project economics.
The in-situ grade heterogeneity can be measured on a length of drill core and fitted to a mathematical model to assign a heterogeneity index. Given the spatial location, this heterogeneity index can be mapped across a deposit in combination with the average grade. Linking this information with relevant mixing models can determine the likely technical performance of BOS at an operation. However, the real value is only realised when this technical understanding is linked with an economic model and used to optimise the mine plan. Three case studies will be presented that show how Ausenco applies this methodology to assess the value of bulk ore sorting for greenfield studies.
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  • Assessing the value of bulk ore sorting with drill core data
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  • Assessing the value of bulk ore sorting with drill core data
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  • Published: 2020
  • Pages: 6
  • PDF Size: 0.505 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-01388-F3X4S7

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